
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Pool. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Charlotte 1864 calculated after 1864
Ellen 1856 calculated after 1856
Ellen Mahala 1892 1962
Emily 1850 calculated after 1850
Emily Anne 1883 1885
Ernest Lionel 1890 1894
Ernest Ronald 1899 1976
Frederick 1862 calculated after 1862
Frederick Maurice Rossiter 1887 1966
Harriet 1854 estimated about 1930
Henry 1852 calculated after 1852
Hilda 1908 1994
John 1858 1922
John Marmaduke 1813 1876
Joseph 1846 1846
Joseph 1847 calculated after 1847
Mark 1844 calculated after 1863
Thomas Henry 1895 1952
Tom Rossiter 1860 calculated after 1860