
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Hulse. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death
Ann calculated about 1836 estimated about 1900
Bertha 1861 estimated after 1861
Charles H calculated about 1867 estimated about 1940
Elija 1834 calculated after 1866
Elizabeth calculated about 1844 estimated about 1910
Emma 20 August 1897 10 February 1984
Enoch calculated about 1838 estimated about 1900
Granville 1864 estimated after 1905
Idbeg calculated about 1841 estimated about 1900
Ino calculated about 1830 estimated about 1900
Louisa calculated about 1847 estimated about 1910
Margaret estimated about 1831 estimated about 1900
May calculated about 1891 1967
Oliver calculated about 1895 17 November 1917
Thomas 1810 1903
Thomas estimated about 1780 calculated about 1831
William F 1866 estimated after 1866